Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Thoughtpiece: JFK and Obama VS WWIII

Article: http://m.csmonitor.com/USA/DC-Decoder/2014/0728/Ukraine-crisis-How-far-will-Obama-go-to-get-Russia-to-back-down-video

I've been really into a show called "The Sixties" on CNN which is a 10-piece documentary on several aspects of the era, from tv to music to political stories. 
I've watched five of the episodes and became smitten not only because I already loved the Sixties, and not only because JFK is my favorite president, and not only because I love bell-bottom pants, but because I'm currently living vicariously through this documentary, and understanding the different events that helped shape and shift the United States and other parts of the world for the rest of time. 
I watched the second episode yesterday and today read a short current article about what is going on in Ukraine currently and was so interested in the fact that the stories were so eerily similar even through they are 55 years apart. 

Past: Nikita Kruschev-led Soviet Union is aiding the Cubans with nuclear weapons. JFK's aides show him pictures as he wants to be sure to not repeat a ridicule like the Bay of Pigs.

Currently, in Washington: "The United States has released what it says is photographic evidence of Russia shelling targets in Ukraine from its side of the border, and senior US officials are telling their Russian counterparts the US has proof of the Russian military’s growing involvement in Ukraine."

 Past: JFK treads lightly. He tries as hard as he can to avoid unnecessary actions that could lead to retaliations from the Soviets that could then eventually lead to World War III. He has word of missiles in Cuba but pushes to get cold, hard evidence that it is in fact Kruschev that is aiding Castro and the Communist Cubans with nuclear bombs. JFK gets the cold hard evidence. 

Currently, in Washington: "President Obama has so far limited his response to Russia’s meddling in Ukraine to sanctions targeting Russia’s economy and some individuals in Russian President Vladimir Putin’s inner circle. More recently, he has also pressed for international inspectors to have access to the crash site of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17, which is in the thick of intense fighting between Ukrainian forces and pro-Russian separatists. But moving beyond sanctions against Russia – and encouraging the European Union to go forward with tougher sanctions – to more direct military involvement on the side of the Ukrainian government is still a step Obama is unlikely to take, some foreign-policy analysts say. One overriding reason: The president wants to avoid steps that risk plunging the US into a proxy war with Russia. "

Past: Of course as everyone knows, JFK and Kruschev end up signing the famous nuclear ban treaty along with other leaders of the Western world. 

Currently, in Washington: Obama is not pressed to supply Ukraine with weapons as Russia would in retaliation supply the separatists with even more weapons.      

Some questions:       
Does anyone see the bullish bravado in most all Russian leaders?

Will the Soviet's hold on Russian leaders and their history ever fade? 

Will there ever be a president in America that is not afraid to stand up to our long-time enemy? 

Or is it better to tread lightly against people with such opposing and forward way of thinking? 

Is all the WWIII talk really all that plausible or is the media just being it's usual vain self? 

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