Monday, September 30, 2013


I love Blockbusters. They're part of the 90's we won't ever get back. So naturally when the nearest Blockbuster closed, I was very sad. Nostalgia is everything to me and I remember being so excited to visit Blockbuster as a little girl. I love movies so much- they're library books to me.
In a world where Netflix and Redbox exist, Blockbuster cannot. But in reality, people lose the ability to walk through aisles of boxes screaming out for your attention; thousands of titles and pictures and couples and cops and villains and fairies competing for your attention. The popcorn and coke fridge on your way out.. It's an entire experience no other movie-renting company could create for you. 

I almost felt like I wanted to tree-hug the store- I feel like Blockbuster is a landmark in my neighborhood they're taking away from me. 

I did though, take advantage of the horrid situation and purchased the last season of Sex and The City.

Remember when in the Sex and The City movie, Big asked Carrie if she was the last person in New York taking out library books? 

She just said "I love the smell."

Me too, Carrie. Me too. 

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